Harpal S. Mangat
Howard College of Medicine, Washington DC
Harpal S. Mangat, MD is in Practice in Maryland. He is an Assistant Professor at Howard University College of Medicine. He submitted recommendations to his US senator that got incorporated into the 2010 Affordable Health Care Act. He has four issued US patents and additional patents have been filed. He is a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, trained at Trinity College Dublin, Oxford University and London University in Family Practice and Ophthalmology. In the US, he trained at University of South Florida and Mercy Hospital Philadelphia in Ophthalmology and Internal Medicine. He is the transport physician for difficult cases returning to United Arab Emirates. His clinical interests include innovative new technologies, neuroprotection, diabetes, sleep apnea, Lyme disease, especially its neurological manifestations, as well as long distance air transport of seriously ill patients. He sees patients at his office in Clarksburg, MD (www.clarksburgmed.com) and Fredrick, MD.
Abstract : Correlation of Lyme disease with Immune Dysfunction