Marta Lado
Connaught Hospital, Sierra Leone
Title: Unusual presentation of Ebola Virus Disease and post Ebola syndrome. Need for further studies
Biography: Marta Lado
The Ebola viral disease (EVD) outbreak affecting West Africa (mainly Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone) during the last year has showed the small knowledge we had about the Hemorrhagic Viral diseases and showed the need for further studies and research in that area. We had to learn, as we were facing the outbreak, about the clinical features of the acute phase of EVD, the ways of transmission and the structures and resources required to control the epidemic; but, currently, we need to adapt to the new scenario and start discovering and learning about the sequelae and the post EVD syndrome and how these factors can affect the persistence of the disease in the area besides the consequences of the disease in the survivors population. We present several cases of survivors with unusual presentation (neurological sequelae with and without persistence of the virus in CSF, polyarthralgias, EVD relapse in relationship with immunosuprssion/HIV, etc) and complications that were not expected and still require further studies and research in the field.