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Marta Lado

Connaught Hospital, Sierra Leone


Marta Lado works as the Infectious diseases Coordinator of the King’s Sierra Leone partnership, a branch of King’s Global Health partners (King’s College London), based in Freetown, Sierra Leone since March 2014. She has worked during all the Ebola Virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa, mainly in the frontline of an Ebola Unit (one of the first one in the country) as the Doctor In Charge, also as a Consultant and Advisor for the Case Management Pillar in the National Ebola Response Centre (NERC) of Sierra Leone and for the elaboration of the EVD guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) for approach, management and control of Ebola. She is still working in the transition and reconstruction of the health care system in Sierra Leone besides collaborates in the care of EVD survivors and the establishment of a free care package for survivors and the research about the disease and the post EVD syndrome.


Abstract : Unusual presentation of Ebola Virus Disease and post Ebola syndrome. Need for further studies